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RayOne EMV & RayPRO Symposium: Session Highlights & Speaker Sound Bites

RayOne EMV is rising fast in the IOL space, and cataract experts around the world gathered to see how its promising optical design measures up in the real world. Join Prof. Siegfried Priglinger and fellow experts for this highlights video on the “Real-world outcomes with RayOne EMV: Synergising clinical data and PROMs” symposium, featuring Prof. Claudette Abela-Formanek, Ms. Masara Laginaf and Dr. Andrzej Dmitriew. 

This symposium highlights reel showcases the combined real-world clinical data of Rayner’s RayOne EMV and EMV Toric with PROMs from RayPRO, Rayner’s digital patient feedback platform. 

Hit play now to explore how the RayPRO digital platform integrates with RayOne IOLs to enhance the surgical experience. And for more eye-opening insights from thought leaders like Graham Barrett, be sure to check out the educational content on Rayner’s Peer2Peer hub

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