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Beyond the Meshwork: Conventional Outflow Pathway Treatment in Glaucoma with Dr. Mark Gallardo

After 15 years of experience performing canaloplasty, Dr. Mark Gallardo, glaucoma specialist at El Paso Eye Surgeons, is a leading authority on the procedure. Citing the reduced medication burden and preservation of the eye’s natural physiology, Dr. Gallardo prefers canaloplasty as a first line surgical treatment for open angle glaucoma.

In this presentation at AAO 2023 in San Francisco, Dr. Gallardo takes us inside the trabecular meshwork, a vital structure too often destroyed by traditional surgeries. He discusses how viscodilation works with and rejuvenates the eye’s natural drainage pathway. Finally, presenting side-by-side footage of canaloplasty using iTrack™ Advance vs. the ab-externo procedures of yesteryear, Dr. Gallardo illustrates how the new device has streamlined the procedure and made it safer than ever. Check out the video now, and head over to Nova Eye’s website for the latest!

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